Waste Free Park Initiative is not a one-day activity but the launch for a long term solution to the #PlasticFreeParks Agenda. Many people have been asking why 3Es Experience Organisation is so passionate about environmental conservation. Let me tell you why. Try to think of an environment without the majestic wildlife that attract tourists from far and wide! Land without trees and vegetation! What about polluted water bodies with no marine life! What will people eat? What will they drink? How many livelihoods will be affected? How many jobs will be at risk? Where will children go to see the examples of the animals the teacher talks about in class or the fierce lion their story books tell them about?
In the pursuit of sustainable environments and protection of endangered species, 3Es Experience on the 3rd of October 2020 joined different partners, among them, the Kenya Wildlife Service, YouTube Channel “Where is Vivienne?” and Enviro Wild to start the Waste Free park Initiative at the Nairobi National Park.

The team came up with an idea of distributing eco-friendly litter bags made of paper and wax to tourist vehicles going into the park, asking visitors to deposit their waste generated from activities within the park into the litter bag and head out with them to the recycling station at the gate. The initiative is aimed at keeping the park free from solid waste not only plastics but also metal, glass and any other non-biodegradable waste so that the ecosystem can thrive for the well-being of both flora and fauna within the National park.

Pollution has become a big challenge worldwide resulting in the death of different ecosystems especially life on water and life on land. Many animals both big and small have succumbed to death by pollution especially by choking and suffocation. Most of the species, already endangered, are at risk of dying from pollution if necessary precautions are not taken. In order to preserve the life of different ecosystems so that our future generation can be able to experience the beauty of nature we have to take personal responsibility to keep our environments clean and free from non-biodegradable waste.
Lets` remember to preserve our environments not only for this generation but also future generations keeping the 3 Rs of environmentalism in mind, remembering to focus on reducing, reusing and recycling, at the same time not forgetting to dispose off waste accordingly #WasteFreeParkInitiative.

In the meantime, remember to stay safe, maintain social distancing, wash your hands for 20 seconds or sanitize often especially before and after coming into contact with surfaces and others, always wear your mask in public and follow guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health and WHO.
Till the next article. Chao!
3Es Experience.
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